We set out early as weekend traffic builds quickly. The day starts with thunderstorms and clears by the time we arrive at Auschwitz in the early afternoon.
It is very busy and we file through the gates. There is no charge at Auschwitz and the guides are freelance. There has been a memorial here today and we pass many people who had relatives here.

It is eerie here. The solid stone stairs in the barracks are deeply worn from the thousands/millions that have dragged themselves up and down. We see piles of glasses that were salvaged and tonnes of hair including childrens plaits that were shaven from the bodies to be used for things such as collars of the SS guards. We are taken into the gas chambers were 3,000 were killed at one time. I am reading I was Dr Mengeles Assistant by Miklos Nyiszli who was a Jewish coroner that was the main assistant to the camp Dr for all his bizarre experiments.

Apparently when they opened the chambers after 5 mins they would all be dead but not on the ground. They would be in bizarre piles as they clamber higher to get away from the gas pellets. There would be babies and small children on the bottom, eldery next, then women. And the men on the top.
It is sickening and depressing. There are many people wandering around crying. I take photos for Georgias school project later this term. But when we get to the childrens barrack with photos on the walls etc. Suddenly no one is taking pictures anymore. We shuffle through quietly.
Georgia and I opt not to take the second tour to Birkenau. We buy books and sit outside and wait for the others.
Tonight we stay in Krackow. A beautiful old medieval town with a large town square. It is very busy with families and diners wandering the streets. We take “the scenic route” home. Ie we get lost, go round in circles and eventually get where we want to be an hour later. No worries, it is a nice night and we are all now counting down the days – I think sadly – to when we go home.